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Casa de Santo Antônio
The HotelArrival &Transfers

Access to Parnaíba can be done in several ways, the main ones being by air to Parnaíba, Fortaleza, Cruz (Jericoacoara) or Teresina. From Fortaleza, Cruz or Teresina to Parnaíba you can come by bus, taxi, or 4x4 car. Parnaíba airport is receiving two weekly flights from São Paulo. Cruz airport (Jericoacoara), about 200 km from Parnaíba, is already receiving several weekly flights from São Paulo and Recife.

From Cruz airport to Camocim is about 1 hour by car. From Parnaíba to Camocim it is about an hour and a half by car. The visitor, who comes from Cruz, may choose to stay with us at the Casa de São José or Baía das Caraúbas in Camocim, take the opportunity to visit Jericoacoara and Barra dos Remédios and then proceed to Parnaíba.
